Episode 2: 6 Steps to a Better Relationship

Episode 2: 6 Steps to a Better Relationship

In episode 2 of the The Everyday Trainer Podcast, Meg highlights 6 actionable steps you can take to solidify a better relationship with your dog. The first step meg touches on is to teach your dog how to work for their food. This will help fulfill your dog and get them excited for your training sessions. Next, practice doing nothing together. Teaching your dog how to sit still and be okay simply relaxing will benefit both you and your dog. A controversial step meg emphasizes is to give your dog less affection. The more affection you give your dog for doing nothing, the less valuable your affection is. The best way is to show your dog that getting lots of pets and affirmations is a reward. The next step that benefits both you and your dog is incorporating a walk into your everyday routine. Walks are a great way to spend some time with your dog while having an excuse to get outside. Step five is all about finding a way to set boundaries with your dog. For example, not letting your dog on the furniture is a boundary you can set. The last step Meg emphasizes is to tune into your dog. Learn their baseline and their body language so you can predict their next move and prevent unwanted behaviors. Having a good relationship with your dog can require some work, but using the proper steps will be beneficial for you and your dog.